Horror Film: “Afraid to Allah vs Ghost”
Currently, exposure and excessiveness of horror films or ghost filmcause anxiety and negative reactions, especially in Muslim community. In Malaysia,Islamic society in general is still haunted by superstitious beliefs and practices that could undermine mystical and ruin beliefs.
The question here is whether this issue raises fear of ghosts more than the fear of God while without realizing it turn the audience intoShirk and out of religion.
Generally, horror film can be describe as a film that is intended to frighten people, especially one about murders frightening creatures or evil people.
The first debut for horror movie was on the late 1950. The first horror movie back then was Rohmembela on 1955. Most of the horror movies during those years were dominantly characterized and influenced with Malay Mythology, legends, and mystic elements.
Characteristic of horror film is all about eliciting from its audience emotions such as frights, terror, or disgust. Horror films typically have an unsettling theme, such as a killer on the loose, and bloody or “shocking” scenes designed to startle viewers.
Most include certain characteristics that help them achieve their “dark” objectives.The Muslim community in general is still haunted by superstitious beliefs and mystical practice that can threaten and damage the faith.
Horror movie that aired on television as much as ridiculous and very far from Islam.
The belief that the dead can become ghosts and the existence of so-called by various names actually are misguided and may revoke belief in Allah Almighty.
We see a lot of horror films for example, tells of people who die then rose from the grave and then became a ghost. There is also the story of the film tells about people who die in a state of the soul is not received then overlay-impromptu haunt humans because of his sin. Mentioned by Allah in surah an-Nisa’ verses-36 “And serve Allah. Ascribe no thing as partner unto Him. (Show) kindness unto parents, and unto near kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and into the neighbour who is of kin (unto you) and the neighbour who is not of kin and the fellow traveller and the wayfarer and (the slaves) whom your right hands possess. Lo! Allah loves not such as are proud and boastful,”
No one will ever miss the spirit of the grip Angels and spirits will be taken to heaven to meet Allah s.w.t and if the spirit is the spirit of the believers so that it will be well received and the gates of heaven will be opened and if the spirit is spirit evil then it will be hurled from heaven to earth until sunset and returned to the pit to face interrogation angels. In al-Quran Allah said "Tell the truth, no one in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen except Allah." (Surah an-naml: 65).
Some ulama’ argue that Muslimwas prohibitedin order to attempt to duplicate or reflect the incident in the grave because it includes questions that are not asked us unseen reflect or think about it but quite simply believe in and justify. Say or believe that there is a human spirit that is not acceptable overlay-dreamland in the world because of his evil deeds during the life of the spirit owner is misguided and false.From the one series of religious talk Ustaz Azhar Idrus said:“see or do something scary that does not benefit is verdict to makruh”.
In addition, One of the series UstazDr. Abdul Rahman Mahmood , lecturer ofUsuluddinand philosophy department from Faculty Islamic studies UKM, he simplified that “enjoying watching those film that unbenefitedoverpast and farther away from Allah and also lead to haram.This After nearly eight (8) decades, the Malaysian horror movies largely still maintain its Malay-centric which evidence in the present of Malay language, characters and narratives despites being a multi-racial and multi-cultural society. Throughout the years 2010 - 2011, the Malaysian film industry has shown a remarkable progress both in film productions as well as the revenues generated from it.
In a nutshell, government should take an action such make a campaign in other to guide young generation to avert such a nonsense believe. Besides that, they should be a parental guidanceto explain their children what is wrong and right. Last but not least, we must improve and obtain a deep understanding of aqidah.